
Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents; intending to take up Singapore Citizenship and with outstanding academic achievements, proven leadership capabilities and a stellar record in co-curricular and community/voluntary activities are invited to apply for the NParks' Scholarships.

National Parks Board (NParks) Undergraduate Scholarship (Year 2015) (2014-2015)

We would like to invite Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, with outstanding academic achievements, demonstrated leadership capabilities and active participation in co-curricular and community/voluntary activities, to apply for the prestigious NParks’ Undergraduate Scholarships.

NParks’ Scholars can look forward to an exciting and challenging career, with opportunities to be exposed to various professional portfolios in NParks. Outstanding scholars will also be given opportunities to be exposed to work in the Ministry and other Statutory Boards.

Course of Study (3 - 4 years)
Horticulture, Forestry, Botany, Environmental Science / Management, and Landscape Architecture

For more information on some of these courses, do check out these university websites:

- Australian National University
- University of Melbourne
- University of New South Wales

- University of California, Berkeley
- Cornell University

United Kingdom
- Imperial College London

Country of Study
Australia, Canada, UK, USA

All approved tuition and compulsory fees, return economy airfare, maintenance and other allowances eg.settling in.

6 years

Scholarship Application
The closing date for application is 2 weeks after the release of the GCE ‘A’ level results.

Do contact the following staff for more information:
Chu Ai Buay – [email protected] (DID: 6471 7323) or
Jane Tan– [email protected] (DID: 6471 7324)

Deadline: Closed for this cycle